The last image is a little side project I am working on goofing off with my girlfriend. It is a parody piece of the Transformers character Bumble-Bee. It is supposed to be a girl ( loosely based off of my girlfriend ) if she was actually the guardian character Bumble-Bee. Complete with the insignia of the original character. It is pretty fun to take an existing character and totally flip it and play with it. Like the cannon changes of a character in development.
And finally, it cant be seen here. But, I have added a few frames to the animation exercise from earlier and I hope to have another video update by next week. Trying to get at least a few frames in a day if not the whole hour.

Hey man glad to see your taking your crits serious. Thats a real sign of an artist whom is taking there career and growth serious! Ill talk you in class laster on.