My Personal Pipeline Project has slowed down a bit, because of the work from other classes. But, I have still been gathering as many resources and setting in line material to help me learn through the process. And I will be furthering the Concept Art work within the next few days, as well as get back to utilizing my R&D resources.
Next up, I have been kept rather busy lately with my Animation Art test. At FullSail I have to prove my worth as an Animator before moving on. So sooner rather than later I took it. I turned it in Wednesday morning and I have gotten a great critique from Sam Ewing since than. And it has definitely made me more confident in what the results will be.
And just a few more things, I have been trying to get back into fine arts and photography. With fine arts it has been a focus of watercolor and anatomy studies, but to stay on track I have kept the anatomy studies to that of gesture drawings which relates a lot closer to animation. And in photography I have been experimenting with counterbalancing Shutter Speed and Aperture to achieve a stylized lighting effect in my shots. I love to have a lot of contrast, rich colors and deep shadows.
Well I hope you enjoy the new stuff.

Hope You Enjoy My Stuff, I appreciate Any Critiques or Comments, even questions.
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