Friday, July 31, 2009

Oh yeah

And by the way, I am finished with CFM. So here is my final comp.


Okay, so the situation as it stands currently is...
It is Friday night, the FOA final is due Monday at 12:00 noon.
And this is what I got to start with, and finish by than.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

First Pass part1 Pose Test

Critique Revision Update

Well, I got to work on the critique points for FOA. And I fixed the technical problems I had with my poses. Now I am going to begin adding new keys and looking at the orientation of my original keys. As well as checking whether or not the ones I have will stay.
So yeah, now it is just about reviewing what I have and adding to it. I am going to start working on my Breakdowns and any contacts that I am missing, once the keys are finally done of course.
Than after that it is on to adding a bit of personality to the Orb, from there curve tweaks and final polishes. I just hope that I will be able to get all of that done in time, hopefully I can given that the deadline has been bumped to next Monday.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tunnel Parallax Project

This is the collection of the previously posted images that were compostited together to create the final tunnel prarallx project. Along with the script that was used to make it. Error messages showed up when I did the screen grab, but you get the idea.

CFM post

This is a Compostiting Fundamentals post. For my Tunnel Parallax Project, the images that were composited.

Critique notes

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Critiques went well, but not so well.

Well today I had my first official critique in lab about my animation. My pose test looked good, but is missing some key story telling keys for how the Orb character opens from the beginning. Which was to be added later on, but I underestimated the importance and how integral it would later be to the rest of that area so I will have to add that immediately. Other than that and the curve on my bounce, my only problems were 3 or 4 major technical problems involving my use of the Rig. This is accredited to my lack of understanding of the Rig and how the character is supposed to function. It was explained to me and can and will be easily fixed. All of the critique notes will be posted probably tomorrow along with the critique from class. I would do it now but the pages must be scanned along with a funny drawing I did as a pun to the experience I am having in the class. well back to work, post an update and the critique notes, either tomorrow or if I can in a few hours.


I just realized that I didn't add my squash pose when I did my keys, because I considered it to be an anticipation contact. (Don't ask me why...) So yeah, later in lab before my critique I will be adding the squash to my 1st pass. Than I am pretty sure that I will be ready to move into my second pass. After I get my first critique that is. Than it is on to the breakdowns. If the breakdowns are clean, I will check the animation in plateau tangents. Than it is on to SPLINE TANGENTS WHOOO! Hope I can make it, all the work I did to get ahead in CFM to be able to work solely on FOA was wasted, because the previous requirements were changed at the last minute.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Getting Work Done.

Just got my contacts going (contacts are when the character is contacting or meeting another surface, and or leaving a surface). I wouldn't exactly say that they are done, but it is more than a good start. I finally got that bounce properly staged out, and changed the last hold ( when a pose is exposed for a longer period of time). Changed a key where the hold used to start, but now it is the contact where the Orb will slip and fall. Holding out till the end of the animation. My timing is still staying steady from when I first mapped it out. Which is good. So yeah, gonna keep at it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Keys are done!

Well, I did it. I finished the keys, and completed the PoseTest. (a PoseTest is when the keyframes: the poses that tell the story of the action. Are completed and can be viewed in sequence) The video shows of course just the poses in Stepped mode (no interpolation between the keys, no inbetweens just poses). Another cool thing about this PoseTest is that i did the playblast the same way the animation will be viewed in the final. I set up my camera view for my shots and planned out the cutaways. It looks like the poses are reading and that you can tell what is happening, and feel a bit of weight and motion. And as far as staging, the poses are reading and all the legs and the head can be seen clearly from my camera angles.

About those keys....yeah

Well like everything in life, things don't go the way you plan. For some reason, no matter how hard I focused last weekend I couldn't "feel" my animation. So yeah, I am behind. I only got two keys done. But, I am ahead in my other class. So I now have more time to delegate to FOA starting today. And my storyboard and outline have been revised to be very clear on what needs to be done and how I need to do it to get the "feel" I need.
So, I guess I will just try to get focused on it again. I still have time, I have less to worry about. And I know what needs to be done.
So yeah wait and see, by tomorrow night I should have a new update. Hopefully I can finish a my keys and maybe start my contacts.
-That is the goal, tomorrow, finish and post the keys. Begin, contacts (up's and down's).
well the goal for today I guess, it is like 2:30am

Saturday, July 18, 2009

New quote

I decided to post a few of my own quotes, just to help me remember them.

"Always keep your head in the clouds" trooper

"We must be beaten, before we can learn to fight" trooper

-just in case you didn't know, my name is trooper.

Friday, July 17, 2009

First set of keys for FOA final project

This is the first set of keys that I have worked on for the FOA final project. There are only two so far, I am spending a lot of time on getting the keys to feel right. Because the keys are the storytelling poses that set up the feel and story of the animation. The poses are being worked on in stepped and clamped mode to be able to see pose tests. This weekend I will be working on finishing the rest of the keys, and than moving on to my contacts.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Stage Test

This is the Stage Test for the FOA final project. Key framing the Orb to where it will be for what frames when and at what time. This was to help with staging and timing, now I will roughly understand how my story and outline will come together in simple staging. Staging: is the clarity in which the character or object is read and placed in the scene. Staging says when , where, and how the character will be there and be read.

FOA final project revised Storyboard

This is the revised story board for my projections as to what the final animation will be.

FOA final project Outline revised

Orb beginning action into scene; Dropping into a very heavy bounce, slow slightly curved roll into settle/stop. Just out of center screen of camera 1.
Frame: 1-60. This will be roughly 2-3 seconds

Orbs Steps: Orb will stop roll into head upright position. Hatch will open and head will come up slightly and back in, than the body will quiver a bit for anticipation. Than violently jolts legs out. Which will give a little pop to his body off the ground at a very low value, for him to catch himself and settle. Head and scanner will rotate to pan area, while antennas shoot up and sway (Antennas will always maintain a slight motion and provide overlap and counter action.) Head will turn facing camera 2 at ¾ view. This will be a fast jerking, jittering, anxious type motion.
Frames: 60-108 Roughly 2 seconds.


Weight Displacement: Orb, now facing camera 2, will take one step into camera two at a ¾ pass. As if looking past camera. This one step will sway Orb body and show weight, as each leg must be moved one at a time, to shift the weight off of it to move the other. All to take one step forward and settle into this position. One second for this step, heavy walk. Frame: 108-132 1 second

Squash & Stretch Anticipation: Orb drops down and back, feet nudge in. Not slide, but shift to show secondary action. Orb curves back/up/forward fully stretching out at an angle. Hyper extending legs, breaking joints almost.
Frames: 132-180 1-2 seconds

Highpoint Sway, Settle, and Fly: Orb reaches High point after jump, sways forward and back to settle. Than top of Orb leans forward and takes a short flight into quick short curve.
SWITCH TO CAMERA 3 at of center flight level view.
Frame: 180-228 2 second

Sway, Settle, Drop: Orb sways after stopping flight, settles, and drops and falls out of Camera 3. Frames: 228-252 1 second
Drops back into Camera 2: Drops back into camera 2, on contact leg 2 and 3 slip inward and orb body drops back. Than collapses. Hold collapse.
Frames: 252-264 fraction of a second, than hold for roughly 3 seconds 264-336

Robert Quintana
FOA Final project Actions Script

FOA StoryBoard

This is the StoryBoard, for the FOA final project. Thumbnail type sketch format.

FOA Actions Script and final project outline

Orb beginning action into scene; Dropping into a very heavy bounce, slow slightly curved roll into settle/stop. Just out of center screen of camera 1.
Frame: 1-60. This will be roughly 2-3 seconds

Alternate. Orb Opening Action into Scene: (this was my first choice)
Orb rolls quickly into the off center of camera 1. Breaks violently open onto one leg(4th).
Orb pivots on this one leg, rotating 180*. Retracts pivot leg, and continues to spin when contacting ground. Orb will hit the ground (contact), Orb will continue to spin slide. Not to exaggeratedly. Only to follow through.
Frame: 1-96 Roughly 4 to 6 seconds.

Orbs Steps: After Orb counters momentum and settles, Orb will scuttle (crab walk). and take one step to the right on screen turning to face camera 2, ¾ pose of Orb.
Frames: 96-156 Roughly 2 seconds.


Anticipation: Orb drops and sways back, Squash. Frame: 156-180 1 second

Stretch: Orb curves back/up/forward fully stretching straight and up legs.
Frames: 180-204 1 second

Highpoint Sway, Settle, and Fly: Orb reaches High point after jump, sways forward and back to settle. Than top of Orb leans forward and takes a short flight into quick short curve.
SWITCH TO CAMERA 3 at of center flight level view.
Frame: 204-252 2 second

Sway, Settle, Drop: Orb sways after stopping flight, settles, and drops and falls out of Camera 3. Frames: 252-276 1 second
Drops back into Camera 2: Drops back into camera 2, on contact leg 2 and 3 slip inward and orb body drops back. Than collapses. Hold collapse.
Frames: 276-300 1 second, than hold for roughly 3 seconds 300-372

Robert Quintana
FOA Final project Actions Script

Thursday, July 9, 2009

FOA Posts coming soon.

Very soon I will be posting my progress and my process on my FOA final project. As per a discussion with my FOA instructor Craig Bowman, FOA is Fundamentals of animation. This will be introduction to an integral addition to gain experience and survey my work in a future industry type scenario. This will allow me to examine my own work flow and ethics/habits as well as my process. Which will give me insight to than learn from and better understand my artwork, as well to grow from it. This new process though is accredited to my course director Craig Bowman, who will be surveying the posts and process after final project turn in. As apart of his testing of a new curriculum.

CG Talk

I finally became a member of CG talk. I am gathering all the resources to get my stuff "out there" and critiqued. Now if only I could get some stuff done that isn't apart of school, that would be sweet.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hey What's Up?

Hi, Thanks for dropping by my little Blog. I set this up under indirect advise from one of my instructors as a way to "get my stuff out there" and archive my progress on works. So far all that I have available to show are my pencil test of simple animations which articulate the 12 principles of animation. They are very short, but I am open to any critiscisms and advice. My channel on youtube is rtqStudios. I will be hopefully posting new works and or works in progress, given the availability of my schedule at FullSail.